Routesetter & User Management

The final step before being able to routeset is adding routesetters.

All users, including routesetters, can be managed via the Users Settings view.


Each User is allowed multiple types of roles. The current roles available are:

  • Admin: Full access to all Gym settings. Does not show up as a routesetter.
  • Setter: Access to all Routesetting specific Gym settings (ie no Users/Subscription/Billing settings privileges).
  • User (disabled Admin + Setter roles): Read-only access to Gym.

Add / Invite Users

Click the "+" button in the top right of the Users section to show the Add User Modal.

Users can be added easily via:

  • Email / Name / Nickname Search: Already existing Users will show up in the autcomplete list.
  • Invite by Email: An invite is sent to the associated email if no account exists yet for the User. Note: Sometimes invite emails may go to junk; however, if the user still registers with the same email he/she will be automatically linked to the Gym. Invite Emails aren't required.

Once a user is selected or valid email address entered, select the desired roles, and click "OK."


*Above: Find User via email/name/nickname or enter in a valid email address to invite someone without an account.


*Above: Select the desired role for the user (admin / setter / none (read-only) )

Edit User Roles

User roles can easily be edited by toggling the associated role in the table.

Save Changes

Be sure to save changes once finished!


*Above: Click "Save" to save changes