Analytics & Stats

Plastick aims to provide insights into the routesetting to improve the quality of the climber's experience. Through a variety of charts and analytics tools users can understand the distribution, RIC, and productivity for the Gym, Sets, and Setter histories.

Grade / Color Distributions

Distribution charts show the counts of grades in relation to one another along with the associated hold color proportions. This chart gives an overall view of the vision of the Gym -- the bell curve generally peaks at the most popular grade of the clientelle. If grade targets are defined there will be alerts showing the status of the targets. This chart is also helpful for having well-balanced circuits (if applicable). It's also helpful for understanding the amount of hold colors being used, which can help with hold order planning.


Above: Grade / Color Distribution charts for Gyms, Sets, and Setters

RIC Insights

Risk, Intensity, Complexity can give more detailed information about a climb other than its grade. Through its granularity this metric allows routesetters to intentionally bring a certain flavor to a climb, grade, or circuit. The RIC insights show the averages for each grade, where red means the metric peaks on one of the three R, I, or C. The colored line chart categorizes the climbs for a specific color:

  • Risky: The number of climbs where Risk is the lead metric.
  • Intense: The number of climbs where Intensity is the lead metric.
  • Complex: The number of climbs where Complexity is the lead metric.
  • Varied: The number of climbs where there is no singular leading metric.

These charts can help routesetters understand how close they are to fulfilling their vision for the Gym or Set. Is this grade or circuit well-balanced? Is the orange circuit Risky enough?


Above: RIC gives insights into the flavor of a Gym, Set, or Setter

Setter Stats

Routesetters have an overall stats card for the Gym and each Set to understand the status and progression of contributing routesetters. This can help Routesetters make decisions for their next climbs to set and facilitate fairness in the team.


Above: Setter Stats for the current Gym and Wall Sets

Setter Profile

Routesetters can look back on their routesetting history for all Gyms they've set at. This can help routesetters fulfill their vision as a setter by staying well-balanced, and adjusting their trends to diversify their craft.


Above: Setter Profile Stats help visualize trends and showcase a Routesetter's accomplishments